Monday, September 15, 2008

More breakthroughs with the potty...

My children just won't go to sleep tonight. Is there a full moon or something? Anyway, Gaby has made more breakthroughs with the potty. She asked to go, began reading a book, and went number #2 this time. I'll spare you the pic, but it will go in the baby book. It's not the actual deed, just her reading the book on the is actually kind of funny.
This will be a particularly tough week as I have meetings, Back to School Night, meetings, and training. Picture day is on Thursday so hopefully I won't produce bags under my eyes. I think I will ask Rob to take a picture of me on Friday passed out on the couch. It is only Monday and I am exhausted. Apparently Gaby is not because she is crying for me to get her from her room and go to mommy's bed instead. Calgon, take me away!

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